Saturday, January 31, 2009

Why Arizona?

Some of you have been asking why I moved to Arizona. There came a time in my life that I be came inactive and made some not good choices that put me farther and farther away then where I should have been. I stopped going to church all together and just didn't see going back to church in the future.
Heavenly Father did not like the plan and the path I was taking and so I lost my job and had to move out of my apartment and move in with my older sister Christy and I watched her kids while Christy and Bill worked. So I had a lot of time on my hands to think about things.
To make a really long story short the Lord told me that I need to move to Arizona and so here I am right now I am living with one of my missionary companions with her husband and 3 girls. It all comes down to that I need to be here in Arizona to repent. I need to be in the right place at the right time with the right priesthood leadership and it happnes to be in Arionza. I have a wonderful Bishopric who has been prepared for me. I am getting back to were I need to be and I am over joyed with all of the love that I am feeling from my Heavenly Father. I am grateful for the Parkes Family for taking me in and under their wing's while mine are broken. I know that the Atonement is real. I ama grateful for repentance it brings me hope and joy. I love my bishop he is such an amazing guy. I know the church is true. I am glad to be coming back to the fold. I am grateful to all my family and friends that have supported me in the decision that I have made to move here and change. This has been the greatest thing for me.


Karen P said...

We are happy to have you here!

Marlene said...

Good for you for making the choice to come back! Having been inactive myself, for too many years to count, I know how hard it is to come back. Stick with it!

Nat said...

I am so proud of you. That is tough. Don't let Brian starve for nothin you know.

Cherlelynn Bednar said...
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Cherlelynn Bednar said...
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Travis and Celena said...

I am glad that I found your blog. It has been a while since you wrote it in, but I would love to be your blog buddy!

Email me and I will send you an invite. I had to make mine private. Loves!

Travis and Celena said...

I totally forgot to give you my email address. I am so lame!

mom2ky said...

Hey Mary Ann, I found your blog from Karen's blog. I hope you are doing well. I have had some challenges as well since the mission, but I always go back to my testimony of Christ and the gosepel. You wrote this almost a year ago, but I hope you are doing well. I'm jealous that you are in Arizona where it is WARM. I'm in the Idaho ARCTIC! Take Care!

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